Ivita Asare joins INDEXO Bank’s management team to lead its finance function

Ivita Asare joins INDEXO Bank’s management team to lead its finance function
INDEXO komanda

From June 3, Ivita Asare will join INDEXO Bank’s management team as the head of the finance function. At the same time, the current board member, Tīna Kukka, who led the licensing project and finance function, will leave her position. It is planned that after receiving approval from the Bank of Latvia, Ivita Asare will be appointed to the Management Board of INDEXO Bank and will be responsible for managing the bank’s finances.

Ivita Asare has more than twenty years of experience in various finance management related positions in the banking industry. From 2001 to 2019, she led various financial, supervisory, and business planning areas at Nordea Bank’s Latvian branch and later at Luminor Bank Group. Since 2017, Ivita Asare has also been a Board member of Luminor Bank in Latvia. She has received business education from the Stockholm School of Economics in Riga and the Riga Technical University’s Business Institute. Ivita Asare is well-acquainted with the INDEXO Bank project as she began working on the new bank’s establishment with the INDEXO founders back in 2019. In addition to her work in the financial sector, Ivita Asare worked as a teacher at Dobele State Gymnasium for three years, teaching entrepreneurship and economics to young people.

“We have created a strong team of professionals focused on the successful launch and entry of the new bank into the Latvian market. Ivita Asare brings valuable experience from her years in finance management within Latvia’s banking sector. I also want to thank Tīna Kukka for her contribution to the successful completion of the bank’s licensing process and wish her success in her future professional endeavors,” said Valdis Siksnis, one of INDEXO’s founders and the chairman of the new INDEXO Bank’s Board.

“I  am pleased to have worked on establishing the new INDEXO Bank and acquiring its license. This was a unique process, being the first since Latvia joined the Eurozone. This chapter has been successfully concluded, and due to personal reasons, I have decided to reduce my professional workload,” said Tīna Kukka, the current Board member of INDEXO Bank.

By joining INDEXO Bank’s management team, Ivita Asare will leave her current position on INDEXO Bank’s Council, and a professional with experience in banking, finance, and good governance will be sought for this vacancy shortly. The new Council member will be subject to Bank of Latvia approval, and the Council is expected to be fully assembled by the time the bank starts its operations. Ivita Asare will also leave her position on the Council of the pension management company IPAS INDEXO, and a new Council member here will be appointed at the next IPAS INDEXO shareholders’ meeting.


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